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Datalog UI

Declarative UI, meet Declarative Data

const datalog = require('@datalogui/datalog')

// Build our data tables
const Greetings = datalog.intoTable([
{ language: "en", greeting: "Hello" },
{ language: "es", greeting: "Hola" }
// ...
const Nouns = datalog.intoTable([
{ language: "en", noun: "world" },
{ language: "es", noun: "todos" }
// ...

// Query our data for English Greetings
const GreetingQuery = datalog.query(({ greeting, noun }) => {
Greetings({ language: 'en', greeting })
Nouns({ language: 'en', noun })

[object Object]

Change Matters

DatalogUI queries work off of differences. They keep track of changes in your data and only run on those changes. Does your current state management library do that?

[object Object]

Minimize Re-Renders

You shouldn't have to remember what needs to be rerendered when some part of your state changes. And you shouldn't have to re-render the world in response to a small change. With DatalogUI, query the data you want and it'll notify you when the results for that query change.

[object Object]

Already works with your favorite UI framework

@datalogui/datalog is the core database. It works with React, React Native, and most other frameworks. Let DatalogUI manage the state, and use your favorite framework to draw.